Strengthens the learning and life skills of children and young people
Growing up in a vulnerable position can have consequences for your education. That's why Lær for Livet (in English Learn for Life) exists, supporting children and young people at risk in standing strong in life both within and outside of school. This initiative assists them in being able to successfully complete their public school final examination and proceed smoothly into further education.
Children and young people at risk often face challenges at school. This can be due to frequent school changes, absence that create gaps in their learning or a lack of support from adults. This can make it difficult to get through primary school and continue on to a youth education.
That is why Egmont started the signature programme Lær for Livet in 2012. A long-term learning programme that strengthens learning and well-being of children at risk and children placed in care. The ambition of the programme is to strengthen the children’s academic, social and personal skills, increase their desire to learn, improve their well-being and, in the long term, give them the opportunity to complete a youth education and pursue a good life.

An awarded programme
Lær for Livet works with an acknowledging approach and long-term initiatives. And children and young people are always involved in the ongoing development of Lær for Livet. With these ingredients, Lær for Livet has succeeded in creating good life trajectories for many children and young people. This was made clear when the organisation was awarded the UNICEF Children’s Prize in 2023.
The time as a signature programme is now many years behind us. Today, Lær for Livet also works with other foundations and almost half of the Danish municipalities. And the partnership with Egmont remains as strong as always.
A comprehensive approach for the child
A central part of Learn for Life is Learning Camps, where children and young people make new friendships, get help with selected school subjects and develop personally during school holidays. Volunteer mentors help with homework and other activities that support learning and well-being. And finally, Learn for Life builds bridges between the home, school and municipality so that the learning from camps becomes entrenched in everyday life.