All children deserve a good childhood
Through Egmont’s 'En Håndsrækning' (in English A Helping Hand) programme, we collaborate with organisations that have good knowledge of children, young people and families living in financial poverty.
A Christmas without presents, a summer without activities or a weekday evening without food on the table. This is the reality for many children in Denmark, Sweden and Norway who grow up in financial poverty.
Since the Egmont Foundation was established in 1920, we have supported children and families at risk with direct financial help. Our founder, Egmont Harald Petersen, came from a humble background, and it was one of his last wishes that the Egmont Foundation should provide financial support to those in our society who have the least.

A helping hand for Swedish children at risk
In Sweden, the organisation Sveriges Stadsmissioner (in English Swedish City Mission Movement) works for children and young people who do not have the same childhood and teenage life as their friends because money is tight. Sveriges Stadsmissioner is the first organisation in Sweden to be part of the Egmont programme En Håndsrækning. This involves direct financial support for families with children in poverty who need financial help for most things. Support is given to up to 4,600 children in vulnerable positions in Sweden. Among other things, it goes towards a good start in school, Christmas help and giving children the opportunity to participate in important activities on par with other children, such as summer activities and camps. In addition to Sveriges Stadsmissioner, seven other organisations are part of En Håndsrækning program. These include Røde Kors Danmark (the Danish Red Cross), Børnehjælpsdagen (Children's Aid Day), Mødrehjælpen (Mother's Aid), Fonden for Socialt Ansvar (the Foundation for Social Responsibility), Norske Kvinners Sanitetsforening (the Norwegian Women's Public Health Association), Efterskoleforeningen (the Boarding School Association), and Dansk Folkehjælp (Danish People's Aid).